About Us
Cookies by KEBs is a family-run home bakery specializing in delicious, handcrafted cookies made with love. Rooted in a rich family tradition of baking, for over 25 years, we have been perfecting our favorites and we would now like to share them with you.
Homemade goodness straight from our kitchen to you.
Baking cookies has been a family tradition during the holiday season for decades. Gifting cookies was a way to thank those who impacted our kids' lives over the course of the year. Every family member would pick a cookie that would represent them and add it to our holiday gift box. As the kids grew older and more independent, holiday cookie baking became the perfect excuse to bring the family back together. We get to test and try a bunch of cookies, choose which ones go into the box, and then share it.
As a family of 3 boys there was a lot of competition and that did not stop when it came to our baking - each year the boys tried to make the best cookie and “win”.
In the end we all won with the delicious cookies,
In 2025, we decided to take this tradition and turn it into a family business. Cookies by KEBs is an acronym representing each of our three sons.
We're excited to take our family tradition and love for baking and share it more broadly.
We hope you enjoy them as much as we do and of course as we add more of our favourites onto our menu, we would love to hear which one is your favourite - as the competition always continues.
We are starting with Roh’s Favorite - our signature almond cookie, and then will add some of our other favorites like the Walnut butter cookie, the Peanut butter Reeses cookie, Riz’s Anise flavored cookies and other favorites from over the years.
Our focus is on small unforgettable bites of flavour..
Whether you're craving classic flavors or unique creations, Cookies by KEBs delivers.